Sometimes things you never expected come your way. You’re faced with situations and scenarios that you never thought you would have to deal with. These things can be both positive and negative. These situations and scenarios will cause you to grow in ways you probably never imagined you would. This growth isn’t always fun or easy but its good. It’s hard and uncomfortable. And who really likes to do things that are hard or uncomfortable?
The last few months I have found myself in this growing process. It has required me to be a good communicator. I am not one. I am learning how to communicate in a healthy way. These newfound communicating skills are being used in all of my relationships in life. Since I have decided that this is “the year” I have chosen to be intentional about becoming a better communicator. I haven’t always been successful and am still learning how to communicate. I still experience failure in how to communicate my thoughts and feelings. I have to fight through the failure and keep pushing. I have to acknowledge my growth and the times I communicate well.